Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Daddy and Janet

This is Janet and her daddy. Since we are in Indiana I think it might be appropriate to ask Janet, "Hoosier daddy?" and she will hopefully respond with, "Cheep, cheep, Alex, cheep, cheep!"

Janet got her name from Chunk, one of the guys living with me this summer. Chunk is a rather random guy so Lord knows he was going to suggest a random name. Some have suggested that it is too close to the name "Janna" (my girlfriend) but I think that if I were to call the baby chick I can annunciate "Janet" and I were to call my girlfriend I could just yell "hey Chick". Hahaha. Anyways..... Janet and her sisters keep on growing and eating and pooping. It must be a fun little life for them.

1 comment:

  1. Alex, I love your blog already and Janet is just precious!
