Monday, June 7, 2010

I think I'll go for a walk outside now, the summer sun is calling my name....Colonel!"

So, chickens don't like being taken on walks. They just don't like it and they won't do it. I try to treat my chicks (who by the way are becoming very large) like they are a mix between my own children and puppies. They need to be fed and watered, they need to be played with (like both) and I thought since you could take children on a walk and dogs on a walk, why can't you take chickens on a walk? I got some yarn from Janna and I tied it around The Colonel's neck. I was scared about doing this because I didn't want to break her neck but then I realized that without a head chickens still run maybe that would have helped the situation :) Janna and I brought The Colonel out to the front yard and started on our walk. We never left the front yard. I was really hoping to start being known around the neighborhood as the weird chicken-on-a-leash guy. Oh well.... I'll just have to be known for something else now.

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