Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The first 24 hours...

So, my name is Alex. I grew up in Lansing, IL just outside of Chicago. I moved to Dyer, IN about 4 years ago, but that too is near Chicago. So, I haven't been around farms or livestock very often. My first real farm experience was in the fall of 2008. It was an amazing experience that I will never forget. That trip inspired me to raise baby chicks. The farmer offered to sell me some chicks for $.50 each. So there we go....I am a farmer now, raising chicks, from Chicago(land area). Farmer from the City.

So, I went to the baby chick store yesterday (well, they sell more than chicks, but that's the main point of this story). I spent a long time talking with the "chicks" in the store to see how I could best raise my chicks. hahaha. I picked out my babies by seeing which ones looked the most spunky and playful. That might have been a bad idea, but we'll get there later. I got one Americana, which lays blue and green eggs, and I got two red something or others.... they will lay brown eggs. The Americana is a little bit older and therefore bigger than the other gals so we named her "The Colonel". The more yellow chick is named "Boo" as in, "she my Boo". The more red colored chick is named "Janet". Their spunkyness has only been a problem because they are impossible to hold. That's why I wanted babies!!! So I could hold them and pet them and nestle them against my bosom. So, maybe that idea just went out the window..... But other than that they sure seem to eat and poop a lot. A lot, a lot.
I am excited to watch them grow and get older. I hope that you all will join me as I blog about my great big summertime adventure!

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